
NEET 2020 question set & answer key

NEET 2020 question set & answer key  Code:G5 Answer key by Aakash  Download Question paper Download Answer with questions  Code : G2 Answer by resonance Comments below what is your estimated cut off mark for this year.

Floaters(that snake,dot like floating things in eye)

Floaters What the hell is those floating worm-like things that we see while looking at sky. Those are called floaters. Its scientific name is 'muscae volitantes'. These are not the things outside of our eyes, in the sky or in the atmosphere they are because of something in our eyes. Then what is this floaters (muscae volitantes) This are just shadow formed bye some substance in our eye more precisely In  our vitreous humour. Light versus through various medium of our eyes to reach the retina. In retina there is photosensitive cells which Makes  our vision. Just in front of retina there is a jelly like medium called vitreous humour. When there is something in this vitreous humour while passing light through it makes a shadow in the retina. This shadow is our floaters. Substances in vitreous humour Tissue remnants RBC (red blood cells) Other blood cells When these are clearly seen This are clearly seen while looking at any single coloured medium...